WETT Certified Inspections for Barrie, Orillia, Alliston and Simcoe County
Many homeowners are supplementing their homes heating with a wood burning appliance. This can be a wood stove, fireplace, fireplace insert, pellet stove or outside boiler. Barrie WETT Inspection can provide an inspection of your appliance to ensure you are not at risk! Many times your insurance company will request that your appliances installation be inspected by a WETT Certified Inspector prior to issuing a home insurance policy.
Most homeowners are confused about what a “WETT Inspection” actually is. WETT (Wood Engergy Technology Transfer) is a non-profit organization that trains individuals to perform inspections on various types of wood burning appliances. There is no such thing as a “WETT Inspection“, the inspector is WETT Certified, which is the designation given by the training organization which teaches inspectors how to check for code compliance and safety of wood burning appliances. Som to sum it up, when you require someone to inspector your woodstove, fireplace or pellet stove, you are looking for a WETT Certified Inspector.
There are three levels of WETT Certified Inspections, most people and insurance companies only require Level One, which is a Site Basic Inspection.
Your Typical Site Basic Inspection will include the following items:
- The Chimney, Chimney Cap and Visible Flue tile or Liner
- The Smoke Chamber
- The Damper – verify that is operates
- The Firebox – inspect size and condition
- The Hearth – Size and Height
- Mantle – if one is used
- Fresh Air Intake – On fireplaces, wood stoves and pellet stoves
Usually the Site Basic Inspection will allow the inspector to determine if the wood burning appliance is in compliance with applicable code requirements. If something more involved is identifed then WETT Certified Technician maybe required to actually remove items for a more intensive investigation. I recently received notification of a chimney fire which had spread to the house due to a renovation done to the actual chimney smoke chamber without a building permit. As this was an older home nobody is sure who actually performed the work and then refinished the wall, but it is a good example of what can happen when you buy a property which has had renovations done without a building permit.
When performing a WETT Inspection as part of Home Inspection Package the fee is Only $100.00 per appliance.
Barrie WETT Inspections offers WETT Inspections for both Insurance Requirements and your own Peace of Mind. If you live in Barrie, Alliston, Orillia or in Simcoe County, call Roger today to have your Wood Buning Appliance inspected by a WETT Certified Inspector with over 18 years of experience.
Cell Phone – 705-795-8255
Association Memberships
- Member of The Ontario Building Officials Association
- Member of National Association of Certified Home Inspectors
- Member of National Association of Commercial Building Inspectors
- WETT Certified Inspector
Why You Need a Home Inspection
Air Quality Testing
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